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Energy is undoubtedly one of the most debated topics of today. Whether it’s heating or cooling systems, lighting offices, or manufacturing of products, energy consumption is everywhere! However, overconsumption of energy resources is not just destructive to the environment but also comes heavily to the wallet of the management.
Focusing and optimizing the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy can lead to environmental sustainability. How to do it? Smart IoT technology is the answer! It allows for energy waste prevention and contributes to a positive environmental impact.
Deployment of IoT in residential and commercial buildings gives the opportunity to users to monitor their everyday energy consumption and make the required changes in their electricity demand, leading to energy efficiency. It connects building systems to a smart energy grid that enables facility managers to gather sensor data in real-time. Considering the broader scale, IoT revolutionizes energy generation, management, and distribution in buildings.
Improving the sustainability with smart IoT-based energy management
The IoT implementation has become way more necessary to make energy consumption in buildings sustainable. Facilities of any sector can generate and distribute energy in a different way with smart IoT technology. It’s now a trendsetter in the energy-efficient segment as it paves the way for conserving a tremendous amount of energy.
With smart IoT based building management systems, building managers can increase the operational efficiency of HVAC. Commercial buildings account for 40% of global energy consumption. 60-70 % of that goes toward air conditioning system of the building. Inefficient operations can easily account for 20-30% of total energy waste. If we can eliminate 20-30% of energy waste, we will be able to reduce global energy consumption by 10%. So, simply by optimizing the way we operate, we have a huge opportunity for a sustainable future. That’s the power of IoT!
The benefits of smart IoT energy management solutions just don’t end here! By collecting and analyzing the massive amount of energy data, IoT delivers insights into the energy consumption trends in systems that could be an indicator of faulty equipment. Facilities can use this data to ensure quick asset maintenance and avoid long periods of energy waste by faulty or aging equipment. It’s a reason why IoT has grown by leaps and bounds in the energy segment.
Leveraging a smart energy management system
IoT can help facilities overcome rising energy wastage. It improves operational efficiency, increase asset life, reduces equipment breakdown, and improves indoor air quality While ensuring these motives, optimized energy consumption demands are not compromised.. Let’s understand three common applications areas of IoT-based applications that can completely transform the energy management of buildings:
1. Smart meters for effective energy consumption
Energy data holds significant importance today. It allows facility managers to make viable decisions that lead to optimized results in the future. Especially after the COVID-19, its need has grown phenomenally. It’s the point where IoT makes a valuable contribution.
IoT gives rise to smart meters that track electricity consumption effectively. What’s even more interesting? Users can connect individual smart meters into a smart energy grid for better insights. Industries can benefit from these smart metering systems such as:
- Monitoring of energy consumption across various equipment
- Monitoring power factor
- Monitoring current & voltage imbalance
2. Smart thermostats for greater functionality
IoT-based thermostats prove to be highly valuable in reducing the heating and cooling costs of the building. How is it possible? It offers greater functionality for better temperature control, leading to big energy savings.
IoT-based sensors know how to adjust the building temperature without making any compromise on the occupant’s comfort. Not just this, it also offers greater visibility into the overall energy consumption and patterns that enable facility managers to get more granular control over temperature zones. Isn’t it great??!!
3. Smart HVAC Systems for minimal energy wastage
Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are accountable for a high amount of energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings. They capture around 60% of total power consumption in a facility. To attain energy optimization and drive HVAC automation, the implementation of IoT technology is a must.
The installation of IoT-based HVAC systems allows facility managers to monitor and manage the temperature, lighting, and humidity of the building from time to time. What’s more? They can even find the root cause of the issues arising in HVAC systems and figure out the practical solutions for the same. What are the end results?
- Reduced energy bills
- Evenly distributed areas of energy consumption
- 24/7 monitoring of HVAC systems
- Keep equipment highly operational
- Address unexpected equipment breakdowns proactively
- Reduce indirect carbon footprints
4. Smart lighting systems for greater energy savings
Another area where IoT can bring in the desired energy efficiency is lighting systems. Wifi-enabled LED lights can deliver potential energy savings and ease the efforts of the facilities up to a considerable extent. IoT just delivers that! With IoT-based lighting systems, commercial and residential can take advantage of efficient technologies and streamline the amount of time lights are on. It will positively impact the environment and bottom line of the business.
5. Smart building for optimized operations and reduced CO2 emissions
Mismanaged buildings contribute to global carbon emissions. They need to be optimized. IoT can help in ensuring such motives by improving maintenance, repairs, and everyday operations, allowing facilities to reduce indirect CO2 emissions and smartly meet carbon neutrality goals.
Want to improve the bottom line of your business? Implement IoT technology NOW!
In the coming years, IoT will become the ultimate driver of energy efficiency and sustainability. Industries should look forward to adopting this powerful technology to optimize their everyday operations and prevent the risk of discrepancies. After all, living in a smart building is way better than a traditional one!
If you are aiming to bring in energy optimization with IoT, Zenatix can turn your goal into a reality! We offer smart IoT solutions that can transform the way your building operates. Get the right IoT solution for the specific concerns with our technologically advanced IoT offerings under one roof.
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