Diagnose The Building Problems Proactively With Fault Detection

The proactive maintenance of the facility could result in reduced maintenance costs and the elimination of system breakdowns up to a considerable extent. What can be the result?…

Energy Management System

Energy Management System – A Boon for Building Owners

An EMS is a computerized application that monitors and regulates building systems such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and power. EMS is typically used…

Reducing indirect carbon emission using IoT

Reducing indirect carbon emission using IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables businesses to collect and analyse data in order to gain new insights and improve operations. Wireless sensors and energy metres can help…

Predictive maintenance

Need for IoT powered Predictive Maintenance in Commercial Buildings

Predictive maintenance is the key to maintaining an optimal system that provides a safe and healthy environment for building occupants while reducing downtime and lowering…

What Are The Challenges Of Predictive Maintenance? How Can Businesses Overcome Them?

The idea of predictive maintenance (PdM) is not new. It’s just that most facilities have started realizing their vitality in optimal building management and maintenance of…

Building Management Has Become Easier Than Ever. All Thanks To IoT!

Efficient building management is the backbone of any facility. It makes sure that the processes are running out smoothly, there are negligible chances of building backlogs,…

Why Is The Demand For Remote Monitoring Continuously Rising In Businesses?

The concept of remote monitoring is not new. However, it has gained high recognition after the pandemic has hit the world. From asset management to employee monitoring, businesses…

Top 5 Energy Management Challenges Of The Real Estate And Facility Managers

As the population and the preference of living the urban life rises, the overall energy consumption is also significantly rising. Coming to the building sector, energy consumption…

Recognizing The Role Of IoT In Establishing Intelligent Buildings

People want to live in comfortable, safe, and efficient buildings that elevate their standard of living and offer a whole different level of experience. “Intelligent building” is…

Leverage Energy Data Analytics For Building Access, Efficiency, And Development

Digital transformation is making a significant impact on multiple industries. The energy sector is no exception. It is purely driven by a combination of technologies, collection…