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Sustainability has become less of a buzzword and more of a reality as climate change progresses. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are at the forefront of this environmental consequence. Fossil fuels and industrial processes account for 65% of worldwide carbon emissions, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. According to the National Academy of Sciences, many developed nations like the United States derive around 81% of their total energy from burning fossil fuels, which makes the situation even worse. CO2 is a heat-trapping greenhouse gas; creating a significant link between the amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere and climate. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the hotter it becomes. This makes CO2 the most significant contributor to global warming.
Moreover, according to research published by scientists in 2018, we only have 12 years to stop global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (UN) has taken these results seriously and has pioneered a campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 to 70% by 2050. This is a lofty objective that the United Nations has set for itself, expecting that the rest of the world will respond.
Reducing carbon emissions will necessitate a massive, joint effort on the part of everyone, including individuals, businesses, and governments. According to, the following are the top CO2 emitters:
- Transportation – 29%
- Electricity Production – 28%
- Industry – 22%
- Commercial & Residential – 12%
- Agricultural – 9%
Despite the fact that all five of these components are essential for millions of people’s survival, there is still potential for reducing emissions by examining more efficient energy usage methods.
With organizations struggling really hard to achieve their aggressive sustainability goals, fortunately, IoT solutions have opened up efficient ways organizations can reduce their indirect CO2 footprint.
How can IoT help reduce the indirect CO2 footprint?
Energy production and consumption affect the environment since burning fossil fuels to generate electricity releases greenhouse gases. Therefore, it becomes vital for organizations to monitor and optimize their energy consumption patterns.
One of the main drivers of digital change is the Internet of Things. It enables businesses to collect and analyze data in order to gain new insights and optimize operations. IoT powered wireless sensors & energy meters can help monitor energy consumption across multiple assets. The data collected from those sensors is then used to gain useful insights using AI/ML-based algorithms to identify any anomalies. For instance, IoT powered sensors can identify when a room is occupied and change lighting, cooling, and heating systems to save energy. These devices can also modify their settings based on occupancy statistics, operator-set schedules, or environmental conditions. This is how organizations may track real-time operating data, analyse usage, and estimate demand utilizing wireless connectivity and sensors to take proactive actions toward sustainability.
Another major energy guzzler in commercial buildings is the HVAC system. HVAC systems consume more than 40% of a building’s entire energy consumption. As a result, the concept of smart HVAC was introduced, and it has now evolved even further as a result of the IoT. HVAC systems have advanced beyond simple thermostat programming to include a variety of sensors. It delivers data to the cloud for processing, allowing for energy savings and optimal occupant comfort through automation, predictive maintenance, digital ticketing workflows, and remote asset monitoring. With IoT intervention, you can save up to 20% on HVAC energy consumption, along with increasing occupant comfort.
It’s time to put energy efficiency first to attain long-term sustainable goals. The present scenario emphasizes the need to adopt technologically advanced solutions that have the ability to deliver energy efficiency in buildings. Saving energy by optimizing your operations, means directly impacting and reducing your indirect CO2 emissions, along with ensuring a significant contribution to your organization’s sustainability goals.
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