August 20, 2019
Experiences with Super Efficient Air Conditioner
There was a time, probably just 5 years ago, when regular mobile phone providing connectivity at an affordable price while allowing a person to be mobile was considered good…
August 17, 2019
Leading the world to a sustainable future
The US President-elect's stand on climate change, amongst other things, has been a hot topic of discussion since the election day. As the world fears losing a leader in the fight…
December 18, 2018
Five Years of Zenatix Solutions
As every founder or person associated with startup ecosystem will tell you – it is a roller coaster ride and ours has been no different.
May 2, 2017
Still controlling AC at your outlets with timers?
There was a time, probably just 5 years ago, when regular mobile phone providing connectivity at an affordable price while allowing a person to be mobile was considered good…
January 17, 2017
Industrial Grade Raspberry Pi Replacement
We at Zenatix have been developing our IoT systems around Raspberry Pi (RPi) platform.
January 3, 2017
Reactive Power Compensation through Capacitor bank
Power factor is nothing but a representation of reactive power required by the load (froth on the beer). The need for utility to supply reactive power can be eliminated if it is…
January 2, 2017
Flashback 2016 – The year gone by
At Zenatix, we are trying to do our bit and are committed towards making a difference in building a sustainable planet, and do it at a large scale.
May 17, 2016
The curious case of a sensor: Part 1
Sensors come in all shapes and sizes and just like anything else in the world, one size does not fit all. It would also be unwise to say that more expensive means more suitable.…
April 21, 2016
Power Factor: The silent killer
Have you ever looked at your electricity bill and wondered why you are being charged for more than your consumption? This problem is often faced by industrial consumers, who are…