March 22, 2022
Leverage Energy Data Analytics For Building Access, Efficiency, And Development
Digital transformation is making a significant impact on multiple industries. The energy sector is no exception. It is purely driven by a combination of technologies, collection…
March 21, 2022
IoT Powered Machine Energy Benchmarking in Industries
IoT powered energy benchmarking enables real-time energy monitoring of machinery & equipment. It also uses cloud computing techniques based on AI and machine learning to detect…
March 16, 2022
IoT in HVAC – How IoT is making HVAC energy efficient?
With IoT intervention in your HVAC systems, you can save up to 10% on your energy costs while increasing occupant comfort. IoT in HVAC systems allows for energy savings and…
March 5, 2022
Top 5 Emerging Trends That Are Transforming The Commercial HVAC Industry
The HVAC industry has made some latest advancements in recent years. The reason is the emerging trends taking place in this industry. It is responsible for its transformation. Get…
March 5, 2022
Things To Remember While Implementing An EMS
Modern industry requires an uninterrupted supply of energy at a reasonable price. The rising energy consumption in facilities is a concern that needs to be tackled with expertise.
March 5, 2022
How Fault Detection And Diagnostics Can Save Your Building Money?
Detecting the faulty errors in equipment is challenging and a tedious task if the smart technology is not installed in buildings. Fault detection and diagnostics remove this…
March 1, 2022
How Can IoT Automation Fuel India’s Net-Zero Building Ambitions?
India has made generous commitments and pledged to achieve net-zero by the year 2070. At the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, the Prime Minister of India, Mr.…
February 25, 2022
How Can Countries Meet Their COP26 Goals With Energy And Sustainability Management?
Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions leave a devastating impact on the environment. In the end, it’s us who have to face the setbacks of it! In November 2021, more than 190…
February 22, 2022
The Role Of Energy Efficiency In Achieving A Sustainable Future
There has been an enormous increase in energy consumption from the past few years with the rise of energy-intensive activities. The conventional sources of energy are depleting at…
February 10, 2022
The Future Lies In Intelligent Buildings. Read on!
We spend around 90% of our time in buildings, whether it’s our workplace, leisure area, or home today. It’s time to make the buildings smarter to make our life fundamentally…