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There has been an enormous increase in energy consumption from the past few years with the rise of energy-intensive activities. The conventional sources of energy are depleting at a fast rate and the renewable sources have not matured to an economically viable level. It’s time to focus on energy efficiency goals at all levels of the energy systems. Why? It is a cost-effective solution that can solve these problems and limit the emissions of greenhouse gases up to a considerable extent. How to fulfill the motive of energy efficiency? By promoting energy-efficient technologies on an extensive scale.
Energy is at the heart of sustainable development goals. Whether it’s about improving access to electricity, generating clean cooking fuels, reducing wasteful energy subsidies, or curbing deadly air pollution, it plays a pivotal role in ensuring these concerning motives. By bringing in energy efficiency, facilities can access affordable, reliable, and modern energy leading to a sustainable future.
The high energy consumption in India is concerning!
A recent study reveals that the energy intensity of India is almost four times higher than that of countries like Japan. It implies that to produce one unit of GDP, the Indian industry is consuming four times more energy. This is a significant wastage of energy that is creating challenges for almost every kind of industry. At the same time, it also presents an opportunity to reduce the energy intensity with the application of energy-efficient practices.
Industries are still not subjected to any competition from global firms and are unwilling to invest in energy-efficient measures which are leading to increased energy costs and high electricity consumption. Many producers of end-use equipment have little knowledge of making energy-efficient products. Even if some of them have, they are not acquainted with energy-efficient technologies. There are many facilities that are still hesitant about investing and promoting the new technologies that can help them meet energy-efficient goals.
The role of energy efficiency in achieving a sustainable future
Energy efficiency has the power to make a significant difference. It is expected to contribute to 38% of total global CO2 emission reductions by the end of the year 2050. The benefits of energy efficiency will remain underutilized if industries will not pay attention to it. Facilities should start thinking about it if the goal is to yield better energy savings without compromising much on occupants’ comfort.
What’s even better? There are advanced technologies that have the ability to make energy more efficient that already exist! The energy management system comes under the list. With the help of these progressive technologies, industries can transit to green energy in a much better way! They are a hundred times cheaper and better than using redundant batteries or systems that don’t ensure energy efficiency.
Prioritizing energy efficiency
The journey to a secure, sustainable, and clean future are not just about how much facilities use renewable source of energy, but how much they are capable of utilizing them. It is the point where the application of smart solutions makes sense. Don’t underestimate the power of technologically advanced solutions as they play a massive role in achieving a cleaner and healthier future. Unlock its potential and make the most efficient use of energy at all times!
Want to know about the role of energy efficiency in achieving a better and more sustainable future? Let’s get the insights:
- Enhanced quality of life
By optimizing the energy consumption in buildings, facility managers can improve the occupant’s comfort up to a considerable extent. Energy efficiency also prevents the buildup of indoor pollutants, which is a major concern in high radon emission areas. In fact, energy-efficient buildings can yield a benefit-cost ratio of over 4 to 1. Impressive!
- Fulfill environmental objectives
Buildings contribute a lot to greenhouse gas emissions. An energy-efficient building has much less environmental impact than a building that is not acquainted with energy-saving equipment and systems.
A typical building can limit its energy consumption by 25 to 30% by investing in technologies that deliver energy efficiency, the reason why the demand for energy management systems is steadily rising. Implementing energy-efficient measures in buildings can significantly reduce emissions contribution.
- Cut down energy utility bills
Energy costs contribute significantly to the overall costs of the building. With energy-efficient systems, facility managers can save somewhere around 5-30% of the utility bills. How? These technologically advanced devices and systems consume much less energy without sacrificing the occupant’s comfort and convenience. When facility managers get better energy savings, they will see lower utility bills for sure. It’s the power of smart and advanced energy management solutions!
- Greater return on investment
Unfortunately, many facilities still see energy efficiency solutions as an expense. Instead, it’s an investment for a sustainable future. It helps the facilities to achieve high energy savings, lower utility bills, improved occupants’ comfort, and much more!
The energy savings that the energy-efficient systems deliver cover the initial investment made on it. It also offers a significant return as compared to conventional, non-efficient energy alternatives. What’s the best part? The savings will gradually increase over time as the users will know further about the correct application of energy-efficient systems and solutions.
Ensure energy efficiency with powerful IoT solutions
It’s time to put energy efficiency first to attain long-term sustainable goals. Think in a holistic way! Think about lifetime results! The present scenario emphasizes the need to adopt technologically advanced solutions that have the ability to deliver energy efficiency in buildings.
With the application of smart IoT solutions, the end-users can achieve energy efficiency targets hassle-free. Connect with Zenatix, one of the best IoT companies in India. By connecting the physical assets over the internet, we collect real-time data that enable our users to gain centralized visibility and administer intelligent controls, allowing them to achieve 10%-20% energy efficiency. Want to know more about our advanced IoT offerings? Connect with us and ensure high energy efficiency in your building. A sustainable future starts with making informed choices!
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